A quick guide to filing a bug report

As Astrox Imperium enters Early Access Momoguru needs help to make it the best game possible. To do this, he needs your bug reports. The more information Momoguru can collect on a given bug the easier it is for him to track it down.

What should we consider a bug?

A bug is any behavior of the game that is out of place, doesn’t work right, or is broken. This can be anything from an image not displaying properly to a module on your ship failing to work. Exploits also fall under the heading of bugs. Duplicating items, tricking the game into giving infinite resources, or finding other things that could be considered cheating fall under exploits. Anything that crashes the game is the worst type of bug.

What information is needed?

All relevant information on a bug is useful. A summary of what you were doing just before the bug occurred, what you did to trigger the bug, and what the bug did. If you are referencing a specific station or sector please include the Sector ID number. This is visible on the GPS map when you mouse over a sector name. This gives Momoguru the exact location in the file structure to look in.

Can you repeat the bug?

The best information you can give is a step by step guide on how to repeat the bug, so try to replicate it a few times before filing your report. Even if you can not replicate it, the bug report is still important.

Video evidence and screenshots

If you are able to give Momoguru a video or screenshot of a bug it is incredibly helpful. A video including 30 seconds before the bug, the bug itself, and any actions you took that got rid of the bug are very helpful as they allow Momoguru to see exactly what was going on. Some of the Alpha Testers on Windows 10 use the built in Game DVR function of the Game Bar to record the last 5 minutes of gameplay when they encounter a bug, and then trim and post the video to youtube and send the link to Momoguru for review.

If the bug is a menu item, or something that doesn’t need a video to explain then a screenshot will do. You can easily take a screenshot in game by hitting the page up button on the keyboard to take a screenshot with the UI visible, or page down to take a screenshot without the UI. These screenshots are stored in the game directory under MOD / screenshots.

Where to file a report

There are several options for filing a report. Naturally, the Steam and Kartridge forums for the game are the easiest routes. The next best option is to email the report in at jace@astroximperium.com with the subject line BUG REPORT. And you can also post to the Discord (link to the left) where the Alpha Testers may be able to help you directly and Momoguru can talk to you directly about the issue.