In Devlog 71, I cover the new additions and updates found in build 91. These cover a range of UI tweaks, merc AI adjustments, and lots of new panels and mechanic surrounding the structures.
The new addition of the Construction Platform will open up the ability for players to create, manage and maintain their own structures. You are able to place these structures in remote locations to give yourself an advantage while mining in deep space.
Once the construction platform is deployed, a timer will count down as the platform is assembled. This will only take a minute or so. When the platform goes online, you will be able to dock at the platform, and you will also be able to place items into the platform storage cargo bay.
By placing the required materials into the cargo bay of the structure, you will then be able to upgrade the structure into a silo. The silo is the first low level structure that has functionality.
The silo will allow merc ships that have autotask turned on to automatically deposit the ore they have auto mined into the silo cargo bay. Once the ore is deposited, the mercs will return to mining the closest available rock. Once the silo is full, and cannot take on any more cargo, the mercs will drop a sealed crate next to the silo. The sealed crate will NOT pop unless you open the crate to view it’s contents. Only then will the timer begin to count down on the crate.
I have also made a number of tweaks and additions to the UI panels for TARGETING, and the GALAXY MAP FILTER. The targeting panel now has a special DRAG button that will allow you to resize the length of the panel. This will allow you to expose more targets from the list. You can also sacrifice target panel space to expose more of the fleet command panel mercs.
I have added the ability to search the galaxy map. Type in any search string and a list of all matching sectors, stations and bookmarks will appear. You can mouse over the arrow icons of each search item to view the sector tooltip data. You can also remove unwanted search items by clicking the small X on the right of each item.
BUILD 0.0091
– Fixed bug opening map inside of structure.
– Fixed galaxy tooltip cuttoff on edge of screen.
– Fixed kill pilot mission stat showing on kill missions.
– Fixed market qty text box bug causing crash.
– Fixed click thru UI bug on stars.
– Fixed bug with merc max count on reset.
– Fixed click thru UI bug on mission panel for all map objects.
– Fixed escort mission description bug with destination station.
– Fixed station offices bug not refreshing office data correctly.
– Fixed docking while docked bug via targeting panel.
– Fixed click-thru of hud target items onto map objects.
– Fixed click thru of ui panel title bars onto map objects.
– Fixed 2 mission spelling errors.
– Fixed UI click thru on map panels.
– Fixed merc mining bug causing AI loop to stop.
– Adjusted cargo tooltip to slide with screen edge.
– Adjusted sort button size and position on skills panel.
– Adjusted a few various UI elements and graphics.
– Adjusted intro tutorial to allow option to skip exploration.
– Adjusted faction drop per shot on structure.
– Adjusted structure panel ui.
– Adjusted structure dialog ui panel.
– Adjusted mercs for better prospecting closest rock targeted.
– Adjusted merc mining AI routine.
– Adjusted merc turnspeed calculation using gamespeed settings.
– Adjusted all stations in Void Starcross with Mercs, Ships, Skills.
– Adjusted various tutorial text.
– adjuste tutorial text size and window shape.
– Adjusted Messbox to allow for OK and YES and NO options.
– Added galaxy tooltip panel to display warpgate names.
– Added galaxy tooltip panel to display bookmark titles.
– Added ability to search for sector names in galaxy map.
– Added ability to search for stations in galaxy map.
– Added ability to search for bookmark titles on galaxy map.
– Added sector mouseover tooltip to search list items.
– Added ability to set gps via search results on map.
– Added ability to remove unwanted search results from map.
– Added ability to adjust size to the targeting panel.
– Added option to savegame to remember size of targeting panel.
– Added structures folder generation to new campaign and sandbox.
– Added ability to transfer cargo to owned structures.
– Added ability to upgrade and downgrade structures.
– Added persistent timers for all structure upgrades.
– Added new operation skill for structure building.
– Added 4 new service skills for structure admin.
– Added new Generic Construction platform item.
– Added new items to campaign starting sector.
– Added confirmation panel to structure deployment.
– Added new structure interior for construction platform.
– Added shader effect to upgrading and constructing of structure.
– Added energy recharge to mercs that dock at silo to deposit ore.
– Added mercs deposit ore to silo storage automatically with automining.
– Added mercs drop leftover cargo in sealed crate at silo when full.
– Added scrollbar viewport to mission overview panel.
– Added additional mission details to mission overview panel.