So, it kind of feel like I am making these latest videos, more as personal historical documents rather than informative progress reports for the public. I guess it is simply because most of the big stuff is already in the game, and now I am always working on a bunch of little things.
Well in this video, I cover a bunch of little things, and one kind of big thing. I finally added the ability to see and sort the station cargo while viewing the market, refinery, fabricator and garage. This is a huge leap in station functionality, as you no longer have to drag items into your ship’s cargo bay before you use the item at the station.

I have also made a few tweaks to the galaxy map, with an auto focus the keeps the camera on your location when not dragging the map around. The tactical sensors now has a bit of coloring. The objects are now displayed according to their type, with resources being green, stations blue green, structures blue and gate pink.

I have also added bookmarks to the game. You can book mark a 3D location anywhere in space, then view these bookmarks via the tactical sensors. You can edit and remove bookmarks that you have already created. You can also view what sectors these bookmarks are located in by filtering the galaxy map.

I also managed to finish up all the logos for each in-game organization. These took me a few months for complete… as I would try to do a about 10 or so every week. Anyway, I am very happy with how they turned out. Now each station has a unique image to represent the organization that owns it.