Now, I know what you are saying to yourself. What the heck is Well, I will tell you, but first things first. Some of you long time players are well aware that Astrox : HSE found a home on, a website that hosts Flash base web games, and has long since become a home for indie developers like myself looking to share their games. Unfortunately, the browser updates over the years make the original online version there anything but playable. Maybe if you have an old browser that has never been updated.

I have A lot of love for Kongregate, they have always been good to me. When I found out that Kongregate would be launching their online store, providing downloadable games to their community, it thought it would be a great idea to share Astrox : HSE on their new gaming portal.
Anyway, if you would like to show your support, head on over and pick up a copy of Astrox : Hostile Space Excavation on